Music Ministry
Music at Christ the King is a vital and integral part of our worship services. We incorporate a variety of musical genres and styles in our worship services, so there are opportunities to utilize your gifts whether instrumental or vocal, small ensemble, solo, or group.
Join us every Wednesday evening, September through May, at 6:30PM in the balcony for choir practice led by Mr. Chris Cardona. Fellowship, great music, and a lot of fun will have you singing with joy! The Choir brings its beautiful music to enhance our worship twice a month, plus for special festival services.
Music in Worship
As Lutherans, we enjoy a rich hymnody based on scripture. Appropriate to the season of the church year, we sing of the news of Christ’s birth, of the pangs of His death, of the joy of His glorious resurrection. We enjoy both congregational singing and choral and instrumental music as ways in which we profess our faith to each other and the world.
Sing With Us
What’s your favorite hymn or worship song? Drop us a note and let us know! Interested in more information about our choirs? We’d love to hear from you.
Martin Luther on Music
“I, Doctor Martin Luther…truly desire that all Christians would love and regard as worthy the lovely gift of music, which is a precious, worthy, and costly treasure given to mankind by God. The riches of music are so excellent and so precious that words fail me whenever I attempt to discuss and describe them....…”

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come before his presence with singing!
Psalm 100