All God's servants, across generations, offering their praise and thanksgiving.

Sunday Morning Worship
8:30am, 11:00amWe gather for in-person worship every Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11:00am. The 8:30am service is also live-streamed through our website.
Pastor Chuck Neugebauer and Pastor Mark Goble lead our worship services, which are liturgical in style, intertwining contemporary music with traditional hymns. You will notice a distinct rhythm – God speaking to us through His Word and the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and our responding to God with songs and prayers of praise and thanksgiving. The sermon focuses on the Word of God and how it directs our lives to His glory.
In addition to our organist and choir director, many volunteers serve together to bring a Christ-centered worship experience to strengthen the faith of all who are present.
Join us for Bible Class!
Bible Study? Give it a try and see! Our Christian walk, our worship experiences, our vocations, our relationships…every aspect of our lives are enhanced when we regularly study God’s Word together! We dig deeply into God’s Word but do so in a casual, safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere of spiritual growth and enjoyment for all ages. Check it out and you will be hooked on the blessings to be found in Christian education and new insights offered through our various Bible Studies at CTK. Everyone is welcome!
- Check the back of the bulletin each week for a list of Bible Classes.
- WEDNESDAY BIBLE CLASS Join Pastor Chuck in Room 201 at 10:00am every Wednesday for an in-depth study of the Gospel of St. Mark. BRING A FRIEND!
- Men's Bible Study Every Wednesday in the Parlor at 7:00am. Led by Gary Osing.
What to Expect
Our worship services are both reverent and joyful, following the Christian tradition of liturgical worship and a rich Lutheran musical heritage. We print the entire order of worship in the bulletin, including the Scripture readings (the bulletin is also available on the website). However, if you should become lost, simply ask a neighbor in the pew!
Children are welcome in worship. The pastors include a Children's Message during the service just for them. A staffed Nursery is available for children three and under as well as a Cry Room, if needed.
Ushers are available to guide you to the sanctuary, provide you with a bulletin and answer any questions you may have. Hearing assistance is also available.
Parking and sanctuary entrances are available on both east and west sides of our campus. Handicap parking and entrances are available in both parking lots.
Every Sunday morning at 9:45, we offer Sunday School classes for Kindergarten – 6th grade, Youth Confirmation (7th - 8th), and High School classes. Adult classes begin at 9:50 am.
Worship Style
Our worship services are both reverent and joyful. They are reverent because during the service, particularly at Holy Communion, we come into the presence of our Lord God. They are joyful because our Lord has given His Son to redeem us and His Holy Spirit to sanctify us, so that we might be His children and worship Him.
Music is a vital and integral part of our worship services at Christ the King. A beautiful pipe organ is used regularly to lead and accompany the congregation in liturgy and hymns. In addition to a strong choral tradition, the music ministry encourages small vocal ensembles and solo opportunities accompanied by guitar, brass, woodwinds, and piano.
In the Lord’s Supper we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, in, with, and under the bread and wine, for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. In loving obedience to this Scriptural teaching, we therefore invite communicant members of all congregations in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to commune with us.
The Pastors offer a special Children’s Message during the service, presenting lessons from scripture in a winsome, age-appropriate way, often with lively interaction from the children. To further encourage participating in worship, children’s bulletins are available.
Visit Us
- Monday
- 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Tuesday
- 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Wednesday
- 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Thursday
- 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Friday
- 8:30 am - 4:30 pm