Equipped to serve and to prosper - Christ the King is passionate about preparing our teenagers and young adults to enrich their communities wherever they might be and to live out lives of service to the work of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
Our teenagers and young adults serve and enjoy fellowship in a number of ways, including serving as acolytes and crucifers, assisting with Vacation Bible School and Sunday School, adding their gifts of music to our worship services, ushering, and helping in the church nursery. As valuable members of our congregation, our youth form the foundation for the future of Christ the King.
Learning to Serve

Confirmation Class
As preparation for becoming young adult members of the congregation, 7th and 8th graders attend the Pastor-led Confirmation Class every Sunday morning during the school year, learning the basics of Luther’s Small Catechism and increasing their understanding of the Means of Grace through the Word and Sacraments. A more relaxed curriculum continues through the summer months.

High School Sunday School
High School Sunday School meets every Sunday morning in the Youth Room at 9:45am. The class is led by Youth Leader Jeanette Novy.